Get Single Phonecall
Get a specific PhoneCall
List of possible status
and statusExtraInfo
Please refer to this blog for list all possible values and their meaning.
Path Parameters
Unique identifier for the phoneCall
Time stamp when the call ended
Time stamp when the call started (i.e connected)
The ID of the call template used for the call.
Time stamp when the call was triggered
File Id of File from which this call was created.
File name from which this call was created.
The name of the human making the call to.
The unique ID of the Team, phoneCall associated with.
The phone number the call is made to.
Can be used to schedule a call for the future. Must be ISO Date as a string with UTC timezone.
Duration of the phone call in seconds.
Origin of call (demo, ui, api, batch)
, ui
, api
, batch
custom tags hit on call
If the call was scheduled for a meeting, the time will be shown here.
The optional phone number the call should be made from. If not provided AI will use a number from twilio settings.
The ID of the phone number associated with the call.
Flag indicating whether recording is enabled for the specific phone call.
URL to the recording of the phone call.
The status of the phone call. Possible values: "queued", "ringing", "inProgress", "busy", "noAnswer", "canceled", "failed", "completed".
, ringing
, inProgress
, busy
, failed
, noAnswer
, cancelled
, completed
Extra information about how did the call end.
The telephony provider to be used for the phone call. Possible values: "twilio", "plivo", "telnyx".
, plivo
, telnyx
The email of the person, the call is made to.